Our History

The history of our company is not as important as the experience we gained along the way.


V vsakem trenutku smo se ozirali naprej, v čas, ko bomo imeli možnost pomagati našim strankam.

  • 1995 - First time in the business

    As a young job seeker, I started working as a driver in a company from this industry. I continued as a warehouseman, then as a shipment manager, and almost all positions in the company.

  • 2005 - Sales

    The year I met with sales in the industry. I was immediately addicted and it soon became clear that this was the business I want to do.

  • 2010 - Promoluks

    The Promoluks brand was born, initially for the purpose of performing work for one client.

  • 2018 - Independent path

    As the desire for greater creativity and independence was great, I invited my partner to participate and we presented the Promoluks brand to Slovenia.

  • 2020 - Partnership

    Despite difficult conditions, 2020 became one of the most successful. We have partnered with specific suppliers and set enthusiastic guidelines for the future.