Coffee Pen Italia

Recycled Materials
Številka izdelka: PP51475
Razpoložljivost zalog: Na zalogi 0 kom.
Cena brez količinskega popusta
€ 0,51 - 1,08 (brez DDV)
€ 0,62 - 1,32 tooltip Cena vključuje DDV. Končna cena se lahko razlikuje glede na izbrani prevoz in naslov dostave.
Online povpraševanje za tiskanje
Določite svojo zahtevo za tisk in dokončajte naročilo brez cene za tisk. Poslali vam bomo nazaj ponudbo s ceno tiska, ki jo potrdite pred realizacijo naročila.
Količinski popust
100+ € 1,32* € 1,08 (brez DDV)
154+ € 1,26* € 1,03 (brez DDV)
250+ € 1,18* € 0,97 (brez DDV)
256+ € 1,00* € 0,82 (brez DDV)
500+ € 0,92* € 0,75 (brez DDV)
512+ € 0,85* € 0,70 (brez DDV)
1000+ € 0,82* € 0,67 (brez DDV)
1024+ € 0,79* € 0,65 (brez DDV)
1536+ € 0,77* € 0,63 (brez DDV)
2304+ € 0,74* € 0,61 (brez DDV)
5000+ € 0,70* € 0,57 (brez DDV)
10000+ € 0,62* € 0,51 (brez DDV)
*(Cene vključujejo DDV. Odvisno od naslova dostave se lahko DDV na blagajni razlikuje.)
Najmanjša vrednost naročila je € 10,00.
Minimalna količina za naročilo je 100.
Naročiti vzorec


WoW! A ballpoint pen with blue ink refill made from 30% coffee grounds and 70% Ocean Bound Plastic (RPP) from Plastic Bank®. Coffee grounds (the residue after brewing coffee) are collected and melted together with the Ocean bound Plastic. A unique feature of this pen is that it even smells like coffee. The ballpoint pen has a handy clip and a smart twist-click system. Made in Europe. • With the purchase of this product you support Plastic Bank®. Plastic Bank® is an international organisation with two main goals. These goals concern us all, reducing poverty and reducing plastic waste in the oceans. Plastic Bank® pays people in developing countries to return plastic waste. This plastic is collected from beaches, rivers, riverbanks, landfills and from the shallow parts of the ocean. This helps prevent plastic waste from polluting the oceans. The collected plastic is sorted, cleaned and processed into granules. New products are then made from these granules and given the Social Plastic® label.


Država izvora:
Tarifna številka:
135.00 mm
10.00 mm
Netto teža:
7.40 g
Širina kartona:
31.00 cm
Višina kartona:
15.00 cm
Dolžina kartona:
47.00 cm
Število kosov v kartonu:
1000 pcs
Reciklirani materiali
Ballpoint Pens
Eco, Bio & Wooden Pens


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